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Great Ways to use Wave 7 Business Cards and Tags
26 Jun 2023 More ways to connect and build your network makes a unique product offering with their 7 card wave pack. Their pack contains 3 Digital business cards, 2 Stick-on digital phone Cards and 2 Stick-on phone tags. The seven card wave pack gives you many options.

Each wave card or tag has a profile page that contains information that is only shared by that card or tag, so using this multiple profile and card tag solution one can leverage the options available.

1. Stick a Phone Card on your Macbook

Set up a phone card profile to view websites, company social and other company links.

Stick the phone tag on your laptop, so when you're in a meeting and someone asks for your website or social media, ask them to scan the phone card stuck on your laptop.


2. Stick a Phone Tag on your bag

Set up a phone tag with your whatsapp and stick it on your briefcase or work bag just in case you need to share quickly in the elevator or in the parking lot. Quick and to the point.


3. On your office desk computer

Stick a phone tag on your office desk computer update it with your whatsapp, email and people can contact you when your away from your desk


4. Events, side gigs, parties 

Set up a business card for your side gig or special even, use different contact information then your day job and confidently share that information with people know that your work information is never shared


5. Deliveries 

Stick a phone card on your front door and have it set up to whatsapp or telegram so delivery drivers can contact you when you're out.


Here are just some ways in which you can use the 7 phone cards and tags in other creative ways than just replacing paper cards with smart contact sharing. offers 7 cards and tags so you can utilise them how your like and get connected with people.


Mark Jones