Scan Qr Code

How Wave Works

To share with iPhones, Wave your NFC tag or card near the top back of the iPhone until a notification appears. On opening the notification they will see your profile.

wave to newer not working

Not Working

If it is not working, ask them to lock and unlock their phone this restarts the NFC reader in their phone.

Perfect Technique

Here is a demo of sharing iPhones

NFC Not Reading, no problem

NFC Not Reading, no problem.

If the iPhone is not reading your Wave card or tag, share using your Wave profile using the QR Code. Your Wave QR code can be found in the QR tab in the middle of the bottom menu. Choose the profile you wish to share. Ask your new contact to point their camera at the code and open the shown link.

We recommend using your wave QR code. Some older models of iPhone do not have NFC chips.



Their phone must be unlocked, their airplane mode must be off, and their camera must not be open.

Your Wave QR code can be found in the QR tab in the middle of the bottom menu. Choose the profile you wish to share. Ask your new contact to point their camera at the code and open the shown link.

Wave your NFC card or Tag near the center back area of their phone. NFC reader location in Android phones vary, however the back center is common placement area.


Androids have the ability to turn NFC off in settings, Before waving to Android, make sure their NFC is turned on. To turn NFC on, search ‘NFC’ in the Android phone settings.

Perfect Technique

Here is a demo of sharing to Android phones.

NFC Not Reading, no problem

NFC Not Reading, no problem.

If the Android phone is not reading your Wave card or tag, share using your Wave profile using the QR Code. Your Wave QR code can be found in the QR tab in the middle of the bottom menu. Choose the profile you wish to share. Ask your new contact to point their camera at the code and open the shown link.

To share with your Wave QR code, open the wave app and tap the QR tab in the middle of the bottom menu. Choose the profile you wish to share. Ask your new contact to point their camera at the code and open the shown link.
